Suvery Analysis

University students' Jobs Survey Analysis

Research topic: University students' jobs
Target: Japanese University students
Number of respondents: (18)

(Summary) Students answered 8 questions about students' jobs.


Graph#1 shows all answers do part-time job. This result means many Japanese students do part-time jobs.


Graph#2 shows some Japanese students thinks they want to work and some of them do not want to do. In fact, this answer shows that the half of respondent want to work.


Graph#3 shows the most common type of bussiness among university students is restaurant.Others work at cram schools and cafes. What surprised me was that no one worked in an office. Considering after graduation employment will be in offices, did not expect the result of zero people.


Graph#4 shows that university students do work 3 days per week is the most common. Three days a week is probably the easiest for students to work considering their weekday classes and personal life on their days off. This result does not seem surprising.


Graph#5 shows students are found to work the most in the evenings. What surprised is that some of them work in the mornings on weekdays.But it's not that surprising when you consider it's a day off.


Graph#6 show that students often work close to home. It is hard for them to work close to school even on holidays, so it is not surprising that such results are obtained.


Graph#7 shows that everyone works different hours per week.One of the things that surprised was the variety of people present, ranging from 3 hours to 20 hours.


List #8 received a wide variety of opinions about students' part-time jobs. It should be noted that all of these opinions were positive. The most common purposes of the opinions were to earn money for themselves to spend on fun and to gain experience to use in their future careers.


The survey produced a number of interesting results about college student jobs. The results could have a positive impact on those looking to hire university students from now on.


  1. this nice survey
    I think great everyone works.

  2. This survey shows part-time job. I suprised #3 result because there are many people who work in restaurants !




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